Stakeholder Feedback
Deanston House provides a positive and professional work environment, and it is a pleasure to come to work. The best thing is to see the tremendous progress service users are making and the smiles this brings to everyone’s faces.
I enjoy my role and feel the service development is progressing and we are settling into a good routine, building strong foundations for staff and service user. We have seen some amazing developments in our service users despite a challenging year with COVID-19 restrictions.
The best thing about working at Deanston House is the people we support and the outcomes they achieve.
Professional Survey February 2021
I feel staff treat Service Users and their relatives/friends with dignity, respect, kindness and compassion.
Care managers felt the home is comfortable, homely and well maintained.
Service Users, their relatives and other professionals are consulted regarding assessments and support plans as appropriate.
Service User Questionnaire Nov 2020
I am treated politely, fairly and with respect.
I spend my time doing things I enjoy.
I get supported to keep Well and Healthy I am involved in decisions about my care and support.
I get help from the staff when I need it, and I can get peace and quiet when I want.
Service User Questionnaire Nov 2020
Family Survey October 2020
I am involved in decisions about my relative/friend’s care and support.
The staff team are professional, caring and treat my relative/friend as an individual.
The Management Team communicates clearly to everyone with any required information or updates.