Our Services

Deanston House – Care Home with Nursing for people with Learning Disabilities & complex needs
Situated in the picturesque village of Deanston, Doune and benefits from being in large grounds on the edge of the village, so is close to all amenities.
Deanston House is a 19th century, category B listed, country manor which has been sensitively renovated to provide high quality accommodation for Service Users, whilst maintaining all aspects of the external fabric and internal features of the original manor house.
The home will provide 3 individual suites accommodating 6 Service Users in each with a further two studio apartments on the ground floor.
Each individual living at Deanston House will have a Learning Disability and complex needs. Therefore, we can meet the needs of Service Users aged 18 years and over, with a Learning Disability and:
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Mental Health condition
- Sensory Impairment
- Physical Disability
The Service consists of 20 beds across independently staffed suites. Each suite has its own lounge/diner with kitchenette and a range of other communal areas being available including a gym, skills kitchen and numerous activity areas.
Each suite has been designed so that they can be more homely and focused on individual need;
Ground Floor: Haldane Suite consists of 6 en-suite bedrooms;
Ground Floor: Haldane studio apartments consist of two single person apartments;
First Floor: Buchanan Suite consists of 6 en-suite bedrooms; and
Second Floor: Muir Suite consists of 6 en-suite bedrooms.
All suites can be accessed via a lift or stairs.
Our aims and objectives are to improve the quality of life for people with learning disabilities and complex needs by:
- Actively involving people in the care and support they receive, and how it will be delivered and reviewed;
- Maximising choice and control for everyone;
- Supporting and enabling people to be as independent as possible by agreeing goals and aspirations that are meaningful to them;
- Offering people new experiences and promoting existing interests;
- Encouraging community participation and citizenship;
- Widening peoples’ circles of support;
- Optimising health and emotional wellbeing;
- Treating people with dignity, respect and understanding; and
- Supporting people to live independent lives free from bullying, fear and harassment.
Deanston House aims to provide a care pathway for people so better outcomes can be achieved that will enable individuals to live as independently as possible in the community.
Deanston House is a part of the care pathway for people who are stepping down from hospital care, whose community placement is breaking down or they are being repatriated from out of area/country. The service will focus on positive rehabilitation and will reduce the number of people in hospital or prevent admissions into hospital.
We have an experienced and dedicated team who work in partnership with statutory services to meet the needs of Service Users, whilst promoting positive outcomes. Team Members include:
- Regional Director of Operations
- Registered Manager
- Deputy Manager
- Customer Relationship Manager
- Psychologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Therapy Assistant
- Registered Nurses
- Support Workers
- Maintenance Operative,
- Administrator,
- Housekeeping Team
- Catering Team.
All Service Users will have access to local GP services, Dentist and NHS learning disability resources.
- Doune Ponds Nature Reserve
- Parish Church of Kilmadock
- Doune Castle Bowling Club
- Doune Library
- Moray Public Park
- Doune Castle
- Shops and Post Office
Deanston House, Deanston, Doune, Stirlingshire, FK16 6AD
Tel: 01786 641610
For more information on Deanston House please contact our Customer Relationship Manager:
Colin Beattie
Mobile: 07552 321863
Malsis Hall – Rehabilitation & Recovery Service for People with Complex Mental Health Needs
Malsis Hall is a specialist service holistically supporting people with complex mental health conditions on their journey to recovery and independence. We strive to provide care and support to enable the person to be as safe and independent as they possibly can be and that they have a clear care pathway back into the community.
We provide opportunities to develop and maintain skills and coping strategies needed for everyday life. We pride ourselves on early intervention and our pathway at Malsis Hall ensures the person builds and develops confidence enabling them to successfully progress down the various available living options on-site to living in the community.
We place emphasis on maximising quality of life and reducing admissions to hospital.
An experienced and dedicated team who work together to developed personalised treatment programmes, as well as a range of therapies to meet each individual’s needs. Our Multi-Disciplinary Team includes:
- Consultant Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Therapy Assistants
- Clinical Nurse Leads
- Nurses
- Support & Enablement Workers
- Unit Managers
- Housekeeping and Catering
Malsis Hall offers a therapeutic environment providing effective treatment and rehabilitation through collaboratively working with and empowering each individual. We develop individual pathways that are positive giving each person purpose and goals which are achievable. Interventions focus on positive risk taking and all interventions are recovery based.
The pathway provided on site which includes hospital beds through to independent living apartments supports this rehabilitative approach.
We are a community facing service encouraging integration and independence through engagement and empowerment to enable positive and sustained outcomes.
- An initial Care Plan is formulated prior to admission and continues upon admission once the multidisciplinary team have completed a full assessment
- A full Care Programme Approach (CPA) begins within three months of admission and six monthly thereafter unless other arrangements are agreed
- A holistic approach is promoted, meeting personalised treatment goals to maximise the opportunity for community living
- There are close links with education, local support groups and real life work opportunities to facilitate community integration
- Comprehensive and regular risk assessments are undertaken in collaboration with each individual
- Developing and maintaining social networks that are important to the individual
- Continuity of care across the whole care pathway from a dedicated multi-disciplinary team
Men & women aged 18 or over whom;
- Have complex needs with a diagnosed mental health condition
- Informal or detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007)
- Individuals under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and DoLs
- Presenting with complex and challenging behaviours relating to their mental health
- Requiring a bespoke treatment pathway
- Experiencing failed or difficult placements and whom would benefit from a period of rehabilitation in a patient centred, recovery focused environment
- Presenting with treatment resistant mental health disorders
- People moving down the care pathway from secure or acute accommodation
- We aim to complete a Multidisciplinary assessment on all referrals within 3 working days. This involves an initial review of documentation, followed by a detailed clinical interview by two-members of the team and the person in their current setting.
- We are committed to keeping families and previous carers involved at all times as we begin the care planning journey focusing on recovery, transition and discharge whether to one of our internal cottages/apartments or into a community-based living setting.
Malsis Hall is close to the villages of Glusburn and Crosshills enabling community links and access to local shops and amenities.
It benefits from extensive and peaceful grounds giving views to the surrounding countryside. The service is split across various buildings and includes;
Shelton House – 4 x eight bedded hospital suites focusing on engagement and individual needs assessments
Malsis Hall – providing six en-suite bedrooms and one apartment that provides a care home setting with Nursing which develops relapse prevention skills and symptom management
Frost House & Pullen Cottages – providing 12 self-contained apartments with or without Nursing input for more independent living to support a seamless transition into the community
There are extensive facilities on-site including; occupational kitchens, numerous lounge and dining areas, activity and occupation spaces, private gardens with outdoor seating, a gymnasium, a chapel and family rooms. Community access is highly valued and promoted wherever possible.
Each environment is extremely comfortable, spacious and homely providing opportunities for people to feel safe and secure and which promotes recovery.
At Malsis Hall we recognise keeping in contact with family and friends is an integral part of any recovery journey. We encourage relatives and friends to visit at any time and are committed to supporting the family as a whole.
Malsis Hall, Malsis Drive, off Colne Road, Glusburn, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 8FH
For more information or to discuss referrals to Malsis Hall please contact Susan Applegarth, Customer Relationship Manager on T: 07824 170741,
E: [email protected] W: www.echouk.net